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  • Favourite page: 24 : The jap was queer & 20-tonne willy

  • YOu shuld be asheimed of yuorselfs! This site is racist and sexiest! YOu people hate americans and austrialians. They never dun nothin to you, unlike the fucking japs.

    Also, if you think cocks are that size you need to talk to yer motehr more oftne.
  • Favourite page: 1 : Cover and blurb

  • What the hell is this?? You call this a web-site?? If a spider happened to crawl across this page, she'd eat her young!! I've seen better pages in a trash novel....heh heh

    Carl, I hope my signing of your guestbook inadvertantly crashes your whole site.

    You know I'm kidding, you bitch.
Metalhead from
  • Favourite page: 15 : Tugging at your post

  • The name alone compels me to write this. Well, that and a smal coaxing from Carl.

    You are a sick bastard. Wanna join my club?
sdgj ere
  • Favourite page: 1 : Cover and blurb

  • Amazing maybe you'd be interested in reading me and my m8s altered shakespeare txt, ask your sister for full details!!
How monstrous
  • Favourite page: 24 : The jap was queer & 20-tonne willy

  • How dare you deface these priceless comics without any sort of regard for proper moral decency.

    Not really, this is the sexiest thing I've seen all day, I was laughing for hours, please, do more
  • Favourite page: 1 : Cover and blurb

  • I would just like to say that I knew the "artist" as a young man. We went to school together. I believe that the oversize genitalia on view in Bumrape Island are a compensatory measure for the, well, "inadequacy" is not too strong a word, of his own manhood.

    I still wet myself laughing, though.
Mark from
  • Favourite page: 35 : Once I get a wank..

  • What a quality website! Found it by accident and love it. Makes me wish I hadn't thrown out all the defaced stuff from my school! Letters home about second hand unifrom sales etc were my favourites! Good too see you even got a mention of felching in there too.

    A very happy hour when i'm supposed to be doing work!

Neil from
  • Favourite page: 42 : The pisswank exploded

  • Hello, yes. I am please to see Bum Rape Island lives on - I haven't checked for a while since you were offline and am OVER MY MONS to find it's all here. I have always loved this, I will always love it, and what's more I will always wish I had thought of it first.
P. from

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